Friday, April 24, 2009

Ground Work

Well, It's late April 2009 and the groundwork has recommenced. We have been stalled since the beginning of December with a bit of weather, holidays, and a new baby thrown in, but we are moving ahead once again. I'm still looking for stimulus dollars to help us along, but short of that I think we've got all we are going to get.

view of footer from left front corner

Now let me tell you about our first big mistake. As you will see on other posts...I can't quite get in chronological order...we had to have some previous groundwork and testing done as the lot had been backfilled. The engineer we had do the testing also gave us specifications for the footer. Now, I thought I was being smart by using his calculations. However, at this point I'm pretty much convinced that he doesn't do a lot of footer calculations...a point which he in fact did make clear. Naturally, I figured that using him would be less expensive than going to yet another engineering firm we have a huge amount of rebar in the ground and will need approximately 45 yards of concrete!!! Wow...this footer will cost in excess of $8000 (my estimate).

view of footer from slope on right front corner

view of footer from right rear corner

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